Friday, May 27, 2011

Hampton Court (day two)

Inspiration for Diagon Alley

First pic with telephone booth

Covet Garden Court

Hampton Court

Gardens at Hampton Court

Zizzi Restaurant 

Today I went to where the inspiration for Diagon alley came from.  Being a fan of Harry Potter I quite enjoyed this.  I got my first picture with a red telephone booth, and then we took what seemed like a million group pictures there!  It was a great little area.  Next I visited Covet Garden.  There are lots of shops and in the open area between some of the shops was a market.  I love markets.  They always have the coolest things.  It was so fun.  Hampton Court consumed most of the day and was spectacular.  The gardens were my favorite part as well as the chandeliers.  I could get used to having gardens like the ones I walked through today.  Earlier this year in my History of Architecture and Interior Furnishings class we learned about Hampton Court so it was fun to see what I had learned about in person.  They have people dressed in period clothing, so I met the Queen and King Henry the VIII.  After exploring the vast Hampton Court I ate at Zizzi's with Danni, Mary, Changmock, and Elise.  It was delicious Italian food.  The design of  Zizzi’s is amazing.  I feel like not only are you getting delicious food, but you are in an amazing atmosphere to enjoy your food.  In the restraint they have Michael Thonet’s Chair no. 14 in light blue.  Love it! One of the best things about today was we got back to the flat without getting lost in our switches on the train and underground!  I also walked some streets by our flat and Leslie and I even found the back way to the grocery store.  It was nice to be exposed to some more of London.  What a treat! Today was  a great and tiring day!  My favorite saying that I heard repeatedly today was, "mind the gap".

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