Monday, June 20, 2011

Churches Galore (day twenty five)

LDS Church

2nd LDS Church

2nd LDS Church

Norte Dame

Notre Dame-inside

Rushed seating - Notre Dame

Norte Dame - inside 

Notre Dame - model

Notre Dame- candles

Sunday was quite an adventurous day.  I tried to go to church, but was unsuccessful at actually making it for a service.  Some other girls joined me.  We started out looking for a church that seemed to be nonexistent.  The number for the church was 64, but all we could see was 62 and 66.  I expected the church to magically appear like in Harry Potter.   We stopped two guys as they were passing and they didn't speak hardly any English, but we found out that one of the guy's cousins goes to church there.  He pointed out that the metal garage door is where the church was.  I knocked on the door, but there was no response.  So off to another church we went.  The second church was located next to the Pompidou.  I was so excited to find it.  There is a court yard that you pass through to get to the actual church.  We had just missed church and found out that the previous church we had tried to attend  changed times, that's why we missed it.  Finally we headed for Notre Dame.  What a contrast in architecture!  Notre Dame is fashioned in the gothic style.  There is beautiful stained glass windows and detailing.  I spent three hours here waiting for the next service.  It ended up being an organ recital.  It was cool, but not more impressive than what I have heard before.  Because the organ music was so soothing I fell asleep... oops!   That's when I decided that I had had enough.  Outside of Notre Dame while trying to locate the metro I saw a police car followed by a police bus with tons of people in it banging the windows.  It freaked me out.  A nice lady and her granddaughter stopped to talk to us.  The woman said there must have been a demonstration.  Crazy!  No wonder there were police men everywhere! I was excited to make it back to the hotel safely.

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